Sunday, December 2, 2012

Interview with Gil for his new Band Acht

Interview with Gil Ofarim

First Gil, if only by your surname Ofarim is clear that you have musical roots - your father is one of the greatest singers ever. But if you watched the show business right from a young age, then you develop yourself even as a child's desire, as singers or musicians or to be inspired by this one only times from completely?

Gil: Music has always been to yet ripe for me. When we got home and always music around me, I also began early to play guitar and sing. However, I wanted to be a professional tennis player. That was my dream and 14 until my Years I practiced this sport from very successful, but then I reached puberty and became more interested for girls, parties, and then it went directly to the photo love story going on in the BRAVO and my dream was on hold since then. I personally believe, however, if only from an early age music has about her and your father plays guitar all day, then grows in an involuntary desire to do the same.

Second Did your parents support your musicality and specifically were you, for example, once a member of a choir, a school band, a theater group or something similar?

Gil: Our school was too small, as there were no school band. Also, my father was also against the fact that I play in a band, or that I'm playing in a certain band - these were namely punks and he had other ideas. I've always done on my own music.

Of my family, especially my father, I was supported in my musical path forever. In school are not. We used to also no rehearsals or a director, who promotes everything organized Christmas parties, etc. - that there was not anything for us.

Third Growing up with such a famous father is certainly not always easy - you still had a relatively normal regular childhood or has the reputation of your father had an impact on your life - in a positive or in a negative sense?

Gil: Everything in life has pros and cons. So my father was in some situations, of course, a kind of strike, but you also automatically have the same enemies as my father. The so-called non- friends of my father I always throw in a pot with him, but that's ok. My father gave his life and his career, and I have my life and my way.

4th In the 90s you were by the legendary BRAVO Photo Love Story Beat Generation.How did it happen that you were an actor in this photo love story here - you had advertised specifically for you?

Gil: I was at that time in the U- Bahn addressed and then went to an audition in the editorial. As I recall also good because of the sat a table of the editor for the photo love story and at the other, the editor of the fashion shoots - both were arguing about who would get me - the editor of the photo love story won the was the beginning.

There was something for every day of filming a little pocket money, and I thought: "Great, then I can save even more money on my guitar" And I thought it was great that I was in the BRAVO, the girls look at one so I would have the but known in advance, you know - no, it's all been ok so!

5th As the photo love story appeared in the Bravo, it was not long before the editors got tons of Fanbriefen for you. Do you remember even remember how slowly the hype grew by your person and how you handled it, or realized?

Gil: Everything was exciting and a never-ending party - too unreal, then, to realize it.You do it with you. It is like a wave that we ride with, without thinking about what might happen yet. They had been too fast, as the "wind blows", so as you have to work.

6th Under the name "Gil" then in 1997 began your career as a singer - songs like "Round and round it goes" or "Talk to you" are many people today still well known.Were you accepted as a singer also completely independently or was with you through the record company all pre-structured way, such as in boy bands that you could determine nothing more independently?

Gil: The only thing that connects me to boy bands is the time where I was just too musically active. But otherwise I have nothing in common with them. I just played on the same events like this. Actually I was always the kid with the guitar that made rock music for kids. I would have liked to write more songs for myself, but the record companies from blockten often and could not meddle from a 14 year old boy. As an artist, you develop and especially as a teenager, this process is still much faster. I was better at songwriting, yet it was difficult for the record companies simply did not want my songs - more than a part of it. I understood later why that was so, and then I felt it was arrested, to sing what was given me. So it made no fun anymore.

7th For a while it was quiet again to you and your person. 2003 periodic test you but back to the public, with a more rock image and your name "Gil Ofarim" and your band.You even created test something that many only dream of - you were the opening act for Bon Jovi! How did you get in touch with Jon Bon Jovi?

Gil: As for the calmer phase, this was only in Germany - I myself was traveling a lot in Asia and I had great success. I played in Germany from 20 to 30,000 people in Asia alone I filled entire football stadiums. So I was just in Asia for years and neglected the German audience. The entire continent was there for me - for me it was not quiet, but just here in Germany. The great thing was that the people there, I only knew my music, and not my face from this photo love story and Co. Detractors also said at that time that I would have three minutes on stage can burp into the microphone, which would also be sold. In Asia, no one knew what I looked like - there were only my songs on the radio, then an increase in demand and my CD came out and was sold super before I performed there at all and I already got gold for my songs.

As for Bon Jovi, that was a funny story. To make it short. Bon Jovi plays with the same concert promoters in Germany, with the music we make now. OSSWIN Hoppe and I worked together for years, he also had my plate and one day called me to Jon Bon Jovi and I just thought: Of course, you want me too and hung up. He had made three times and I reacted the same every time. That is indeed utopian, that Bon Jovi is calling me. Until I heard laughing in the background Ossi and thought: Oh shit ... but I was invited to Frankfurt to a Bon Jovi concert in the evening and was with him for a drink at the bar. As he praised my plate and the songs beyond measure, he said, he was totally on the songs. And guitarist Richie Sambora complements yet: the solo in which a song is awesome - the solo had played Ossi. After 4 hours of praise by Jon Bon Jovi then came the question, if I do not. Warming up in the Munich Olympic Stadium, so in my hometown, the opening act would be I'll be freaking out!It was a huge adventure!

8th Brought you the performances as Bon Jovi's opening act on your musical path further or did not you enter big in America?

Gil: No, for me it was not official yet. I spent some time in America and I have been there too my limits shown. # I was then far not the artist that I am today and I would have had this opportunity not to be really famous.

9th Do you still have contact with Jon Bon Jovi?

Gil: Rather less - it is indeed to such an event is not the same best friends, because you have to just do a lot.

10th 2007 you were then consult them on major Disney productions, namely "Meet the Robinsons", with the song "More than you can Seh'n" and "Enchanted" with the song "So close!" - How it came about, you for Disney aufnahmst these songs in German?

Gil: An acquaintance of ours has produced the soundtrack and they were looking for a singer for the song of the German version. In the original, the singer had a very high little voice, yet we sent my version of Disney, and Buena Vista, and it was great. A year later came the next film and the very same situation. The funny thing was that Oswin in "Enchanted" and was on my song thought: Wow, this guy has but a broken voice! So when I saw the film at the cinema, I laughed when I broke the camera on the American Type waved, I lent my voice and he looked totally gelackmeiert and my voice sounded like Motörhead. I was raving gone.

11th You're not only a singer, but had already embodies many roles as an actor.Others in the series "Good Times, Bad Times" or the well-known television two-parter 'The Flood'. What excites you about acting?

Gil: I am the past years have turned a lot. What "GZSZ" is concerned, for me it was less acting. The guest appearance was rather to promote it my then-single "Talk to you" and I really should join in a series of short and it was then 4 or 5 episodes. But for me it was not a game, let alone acting. Nothing against the series, but the format is to join a play as an actor no time Everything must go quickly. Years later, my first film, "Endlich Sex", "storm surge" and more. Even here in Stuttgart I turned "A Case for BARZ" - that "TKKG" moderate. I shot a lot, but right now all my attention is "eight"!

12th Do you intend to continue to integrate the play area more and more films and the music remains your passion?

Gil: Music is my destiny, my calling, my passion. I am happy to say that I know why I'm on this part of the world - that's my job!

13th Have you ever acting or singing lessons?

Gil: With 17 or 18 I used to have one hour singing lessons because of the technical exercises, so you can sing every night for several hours without being hoarse. So I went with my brother to the elderly lady who was really great, but unfortunately died already. She wanted to teach us a technique, but we just could not stop laughing, and it was hopeless. The good woman was really hard, but we did not make it.

14th Since late 2008, you're working on your new project "Eight" - "Imagine if" your CD is currently at 01 October 2010 appeared, and your tour is in full swing. How would you describe the style of music from you?

Gil: Dynamic, emotional, honest, and without limitation. There are many bands that you know that the album from front to back is a mush. I did this earlier also. But now I'm at a point in my life where I do not want to limit myself and be put into any category. I can not allow it to tell me I'm trying hard, I am sometimes tender, sometimes loud, quiet times. And that's when "eight" in any case, too. In my previous band at the end it was all just a lot of hard rock music and every day. Today I am so happy as never before. For each of this band project has become so important, a real turning point in life, for example, our accounts (Petros account - note the editor) - as phoned us him and asked if he had time - he lived in Australia and had a life crisis, because he did not want to end up as a restaurateur. The next day I called him and Oswin and asked if he would like to join the band and he agreed immediately. Oswin also sold huge shops in Munich, to devote himself to the band and I even refused all requests from film, etc., to my full "eight" to pay!

15th Which song on the CD is your favorite song and why?

Gil: I love all the songs. Unfortunately, we're playing on this tour is very short - all three bands have 45 minutes of time on the stage, there is no headliner, which is indeed quite ok, but I find it a pity that I can not get all the songs. I myself am used to show 2 hours and up, of course, that sometimes is too much. But one has to be reduced and that would be difficult. But this is also the first tour for the band. We are also producers, managers, publishers, graphic artists and musicians in a course - it's hard work, but it's great fun!

16th Your name now appears to no longer officially designated, you call yourselves only "eight" - even though you are only four of us. Did you deliberately avoided to put your name to the fore and how did your band name?

Gil: The number 8 has always pursued. Ossi says for example, he had an "eight" tick - he cleans eight one and eight times the other side. We all come from Munich and the zip code starts with 8 - we wrote the album in a house with the number 8 - the A8 we go every weekend, 8 is our lucky number, Ossi and I were in the 8th Born months so I could go on forever. No matter what you do, eventually brings You the life, in the sense that you will be guided to the path that you really ought to go, even if you sometimes do not understand why things happen. There is an infinite number, which recurs again and the 8 is a character that stands for infinity! And it just sounds damn cooll!

17th Is it a relief for you, no longer to be that extreme, but rather on contact as a complete band in the public?

Gil: We are primarily concerned with the art to the music and not about who is called first. Actually, the idea was so that Oswin and I work together for ages. One day he called me because he had written two songs, but he was so cold that he could not to sing it myself. I said: Of course, I do - the songs were cool that we can do and Osi said: Ok, but only if you are there - so he placed the gun to his chest, but I do it the other way too, and so is "eight" come about?

18th Gil privately - how do you spend your free time?

Gil: You spend your leisure much more conscious and is divided - with Oswin, it is even more extreme, he has children.

Oswin: Yes, I have two children and two companies, because there is really no free time. But of course it makes smarter use of all. Man is a creature of habit and earlier suggested to you, if one once a week and had an appointment today to have five a day, but that works too! One must also not relax so much when you do what you want really. When I perform a job that is bugging me, then I count the hours in the company and am, what can I do to relax. But when I'm on stage and make music, it's what we want and I do not need to relax separately. Now if I had a week off, then I'd probably sit back and write songs. We had 2 days off during the tour and I was looking right now that I re-admitted back into the tour bus!

Gil: It works the same to me too!

19th What's easier for you or sing better: German or English texts?

Gil: I submit there is no fixed focus, I love music, the life, the way it is and I love the art. Whether you sing in German or English - it is both an expression of the music. German singing was something new for me, but I'm so much in it and I am also pleased to see that people now understand what I'm singing. I am a German, work in Germany and make my music in Germany. All understand what you're singing!I have always placed great emphasis on the lyrics and it is interesting to see even at concerts that everyone understands what you want to express with the text - sometimes, people are blown away, and it's interesting!

20th What future needs or future projects have you with you?

Gil: My desire is to work with the great people with whom I'm working, still can work very long. That the project will, I know, so it may sound snobby. I just feel it!

Oswin: I also hope that every day I find myself for the way to do the right thing. The result is everything. If you handle this so, then your whole future is correct.

Interview + Photos: Franziska Maier

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